Please Call your Congressman/woman and Senators' office.
For their number click here
Ask to be connected to the staffer who deals with Foreign Relations in Washington Office.
Once you get connected to that person, introduce yourself and show your concern for Emergency in Pakistan.
Ask them:
1. To attend the "Day on the Hill" arranged to show solidarity with Chaudhry Iftikhar Ahmed and all the judiciary that refused to take oath under the new PCO. ANAA is a co-host in the "Day on the Hill" which is organised on Wednesday, 5th December, 2007 from 1-3:00PM at 2105 Rayburn building. If your staffer is interested and will attend the program or/and bring Congressional Representative please contact us so that we know about their approximate time.
2. Ask them to co-sponsor Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) resolution. Click here for directions to co-sponsor.
3. To issue a statement in line with Senator Kerry, Senator Biden, Congresswoman Lowey and inform them about the 3 house resolutions and 1 senate resolution. Tell them that you will forward them congressional statement and the resolution. - click here for the resolutions and statements.
4. Ask them to mention restoration chief justice Iftikhar A Chaudhry and all other judges who refused to take oath under PCO. Forward them Harvard Law School "Medal of Freedom" ( click here for link ) award to Chief Justice Iftikhar Ahmed for his principled stand. This medal was given in the past to Nelson Mandela.
5. Ask for an appointment with the Staffer. It is important to build relationship with your Congress office.We have volunteers in DC who would meet them.
Please call me 928-550-0062 or email: ziqbal71@gmail.com if you want to volunteer to be part of the team to meet these Congress representative OR if you have an appointment with them and need volunteer teams to meet them. OR for any other question/concern about this Congressional initiative.
Lets all work together for a better and democratic Pakistan for independent Judiciary and Media, two institutions, on which the wrath of establishment is on.

Zaffar Iqbal
President ANAA
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