Oct 3, 2007

Pakistan: Peoples' movement and deals "elites" make

Dr. Manzur Ejaz while examining the support of Burma's people by US and the military by China focuses attention on increase in sectarian violence in Pakistan. He traces the funding of Jamaat-e-islami by Saudis government to de-stabilise Zulfiqaar Ali Bhutto.

Dr. Ejaz writes, "by aggressively interjecting Wahabi Islam into Pakistan, Saudis have aided the communalisation of Pakistani society; sectarian violence has been closely associated with Saudi supported madrassas."

Supporting the movement of people he said that the movement will re-emerge in a few months under another guise. It is typical of mass movements, like the economic markets, that they fool most of their players. Pro-status quo forces get false boosts when the movements go into temporary retreat.

He further adds that whatever the other nations do, the politics of a country changes due to its internal dynamics. If the democratic movement has its legs, it will stand up and change the scenario. Otherwise, the status-quo will prevail. full article

Another wonderful tribute to peoples' movement from Ayaz Amir in Dawn.

Mr Amir writes, So what do we have? Dictatorship on the retreat, Musharraf’s military trappings about to be mothballed, a ruling party in ferment, Benazir feeling ditched and therefore fuming (hell hath no fury…etc, although I am almost certain the deal will come through and she will get the amnesty ordinance she is dying for), an army trying to gain lost respect, lawyers on the march, a media conscious of its power, a judiciary finally waking up to its responsibilities, and Justice Chaudhry still Chief Justice. A weakened presidency, an assertive judiciary: not bad at all.Pray, one more thing.
Everyone knows Wajihuddin will not be president. Then why are people rooting for him? Why is he receiving so many plaudits? Are the people of Pakistan finally coming to realise that true respect comes from integrity not authority? click here

Dawn Report next day Oct 5 2007 giving amnesty to Benazir and other politicians.
MQM cases withdrawn click here

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